Thursday, November 13, 2014

     So I guess this is going to be a once-a-month sort of deal. Except it's November now. You may assume this means absolutely nothing happened to me in October. Except I quit the lab I was working in, I flew to San Francisco for fleet week and probably ran a couple of miles up and down the stairs at Dad's place, Ellen came down to UCSD and applied for their med program, one of my roommates suffered a severe tragedy, and I went to a spoken-word concert that kicked ass! But besides that, absolutely nothing happened in October.

So right, November! I started practicing piano again in the past week and I can't believe I've taken this long. The third floor of UCSD's music center is made entirely of piano practice rooms! The only caveat is they're pretty packed with actual music majors most of the time, but I get in when I can. Just practicing scales, chords and posture so far, but even that's gratifying.
     I was in a pretty good mood coming back from campus today until I got to my car and saw that I'd been left a ticket for "no registration showing." It's for $37.50 which, after living in San Francisco, seem pretty light. Normally I'd only be a little aggravated except:
A) I have updated registration stickers on my rear license plate
B) They wrote me the same ticket two months ago and I came back to the police station and got them to sign a correction waiver which reduced the fee to $10, and I paid it.
C) The ticket has a comment that says the "NO TEMPORARY/CHECKED ALL WINDOWS" which means it's definitely bullshit.

     See, I don't have stickers on my front plate. I don't know if there's a law that you have to have them showing on front and back, but I might have thought that's what the ticket was for. But the fact that he remarks that he checked for a temporary registration means he supposedly looked for any evidence at all that I had a registration. As if, had I shown that I had a temporary, I would not have received a ticket. But the sticker on my REAR LICENSE PLATE wasn't sufficient proof that my registration is up to date?
    So now I'm pissed, cause I think this cop (or these cops, I don't remember who wrote me the ticket in September) is just fabricating tickets cause he knows it's my word against his. I'm going into the station tomorrow to talk to them about this. Fingers crossed they'll just void it and give that officer shit about his bullshit ticket writing. I don't want to go to court to challenge it, but I will.

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